Sometimes life screams, "You're not good enough!" Whether it's your job, your talents, your dreams, your parenting role, your position at church or even your marriage. The constant comparison as you click on your instagram or facebook to say the least are big reminders that you don't have what it takes to do what someone else is doing. And that's exactly why I'm writing you today.
Recently I posted a video to my personal Facebook. ( I uploaded it to youtube just in case you'd like to check it out. ) I felt the Holy Spirit urging me to post a video on "Lack" and how it lies in our lives. My topic that day was not referring to lack in a monetary sense but rather in our abilities. The lies stem from our thoughts tailored with what our eyes see. Tell those thoughts to shut up! The lies are dead to you. Let lack lie in your life. The truth is you have everything you need to accomplish that dream, that call and that task. You are qualified! God has qualified you. You are important to me but most importantly you are important to God. He created you! Let's talk real. Out of the millions of sperm released during your conception, God saw it fit to fertilize only one and that was YOU! You are so unique and precious. No one will ever have your DNA makeup - ever! There's only one and that's all this world needs. You were created for purpose. You were created to make an imprint on this Earth's soil. Just like the story of Big Foot and his evidence that keeps people fascinated with, "What will happen next? "Where will he go from here?" I encourage you to have a fire on the inside of you to want to leave an imprint and keep people guessing. Not for fame, fortune or man's approval but for the testimony of God's goodness and provision working in your life. I was reading in the book of Proverbs on Wednesday and the Dake's Bible ( which is my favorite study Bible) side notes explained that living for today will expose what you will accomplish tomorrow. Another words Dake was reiterating that whatever your vision, call or talent is it's important to not announce what you plan on doing in the future. God wants us to live for today. We don't know what will hold for tomorrow although his promises are true. Keep what you do between you and God giving way for others to expose the talent, dream and call later. Reading this encouraged myself tremendously. I am a peacemaker. I have a tendency to feel like I have to explain to others why I am doing something or what moves my family makes and why . God has encouraged me more and more through His word that I do not have to explain anything to anyone as long as I'm doing his will and neither do you. Keep the details of your dream and talents close to your heart. Only share it with a very small inner circle group of friends or family. Now, I know you're thinking, " Dr Britt what does this all have to do with my marriage and forever honeymooning?" I'm glad you asked. You're spouse deserves ALL the love from you they can get. Not half, not a quarter but all the love you have to give. When you don't feel like you are good enough you're spouse can sense that. Whether it's your body image, parenting skills, cooking skills, financial responsibilities or sex life. Loving yourself enables you to love your spouse. Knowing who you are, who lives in you, and what you’re created for keeps you focused on how valuable it is to love and be loved. You were created for greatness and greatness is inside of you. The negative degrading thoughts do not have a hold on you. You can overcome all those thoughts and soar like God has created you to soar. Live for today and let tomorrow reveal itself at the right time. Your spouse wants you to be successful, prosperous and fulfilled but you have to see yourself that way. Take time for you. Everyone of us have to have time where there's no distractions, no noise, no agenda and just relax. You have to! Now, I know you're saying but my kids...but my job...but my laundry, etc. My friend it will be there when you get through relaxing, believe me. You're family and spouse deserve the rested, rejuvenated, excited about life side of you. Me time is imperative. Take time for you at least once during a hectic week. If it means locking your bathroom door and soaking in a bubble bath with a great book, do it. If it means driving to the book store for an hour or two grabbing you a coffee and looking at sports magazines, do it. Whatever it is that makes you feel somewhat pampered but recharged, do it. You deserve me time. All of us look at me time differently. Whatever yours is reveal it to your spouse, make time for it and enjoy. When you take care of you, you have the energy to take care of those you love. Share via FB or Twitter (available on the mobile version of our blog) Did this blog help you? Comment below and let me know your thoughts but please remember to keep them clean and abide by the blog privacy policy. Don't miss next month's blog! Subscribe below.
1 Comment
7/16/2017 11:38:47 pm
This was so Beautiful..Thank you for Sharing..
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Dr. Britt
-Daughter of the King Categories
© Doctor Brittney Redd and, 2016.
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